This workshop has 22 remaining seat(s).
This is a 6 week course on Wednesday evenings, February 5 to March 12, 2025, from 6:30 to 8:00pm EST. Due to funding, participants must be Southeast Ontario residents.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for a relative or friend. You will benefit from this class whether you are helping a parent, spouse, friend, someone who lives at home, in a nursing home, or across the country. By taking care of your own health and well-being, you can become a better caregiver.
Class participants are given The Caregiver Helpbook to accompany the class and provide additional caregiver resources.
CLASS 1: Taking Care of YOU
Introductions and Course Overview
Challenges of Caregiving
Managing Self-Care: Principles
Using Community Resources
Making an Action Plan
CLASS 2: Identifying and Reducing Personal Stress
Feedback and Solution-Seeking
Managing Caregiving Stress
Identifying Signs and Sources of Caregiver Stress
Taking Action: Stress Reducers
Using Positive Self-Talk
Making an Action Plan
Breathing for Relaxation
CLASS 3: Communicating Feelings, Needs and Concerns
Feedback and Solution-Seeking
Good Communication: How to Best Express Yourself
Using “I” Messages
Avoiding “Hidden You” Messages
Making an Action Plan
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
CLASS 4: Communicating in Challenging Situations
Feedback and Solution-Seeking
Being Assertive, Not Aggressive
Assertive Communication: DESC
Aikido Communication Style
Making an Action Plan
CLASS 5: Learning from Our Emotions
Feedback and Solution-Seeking
Listening to Our Emotions
Dealing with Anger and Guilt
Dealing with Depression
Guidelines for Managing Emotions
Making an Action Plan
Guided Imagery Relaxation
CLASS 6: Mastering Caregiving Decisions
Feedback and Solution-Seeking
The Transition Process
The Family Meeting
Using the Power of Optimism
Future Goals and Action Plans
Sharing Accomplishments
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