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What is Brief Action Planning?

This online course provides training in the core Brief Action Planning (BAP) principles and techniques. Core concepts included stepped care for self-management support and the spirit of motivational interviewing. The practical skills taught in this course are how to use Ask-Tell-Ask to give information and advice and how to use BAP to help people make action plans that address the aspects of their health or situation that are most important to them.


Though the course can be completed in 4-6 hours, learners have access to it for two months and can set their own pace. Once they have completed self-paced online portion of the course, they are encouraged to attend practice and feedback sessions by zoom webinar.

These one hour webinar sessions provide opportunities for participants to practice BAP skills in groups of up to 5 with a BAP trainer. The trainer role plays the part of a patient or client appropriate to the group participating in the webinar. Past experience has shown that most BAP trainees become skilled with 2-3 practice sessions. These sessions are the ideal preparation for BAP Certification.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define and describe self-management and self-management support.
  • Understand and describe the spirit of MI.
  • Name and describe each of the spirit’s four vital elements: compassion, acceptance, partnership, and evocation.
  • Recognize the difference between three styles of helping interactions.
  • Assess whether or not information or advice is being given within the spirit of MI.
  • Describe each of the steps in Ask-Tell-Ask, including “teach-back.”
  • Assess an interaction to see how well Ask-Tell-Ask was used.
  • Know what the 3 questions and 5 skills of BAP are, and understand how to use them
  • Role play Brief Action Planning in a Practice and Feedback call setting

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